And so it begins...

I'm not entirely certain why I decided to start a blog. After all, I already have three websites -- and pretty much anything you can know about me (at least that I'm willing to tell you about) is there on those sites. But hey, maybe this blog will be fun. Anyway...

As some of you might know, I'm a screenwriter in Los Angeles. To date, I've had a couple of movies produced. I've done quite a bit of assignment and rewrite work, too. I've currently got several projects in the hopper. I think I'll see at least one of them go into production in 2007. This particular project has been a real roller-coaster ride the last few years. Yup, it's a crazy ol' business, but I sure love it.

While I have your attention, I'd like to invite you to visit my other blog—a blog for the pre-pro screenwriter. Lots of tips, lots of newbie questions answered. You'll also find info about my new book, Q & A: The Working Screenwriter -- An In-the-Trenches Perspective of Writing Movies for Today's Film Industry. If you're a screenwriter -- or if you have plans to become one -- I hope you'll pick up a copy (available online at virtually all fine booksellers).

Well, there you have it, my very first blog. To be honest, I have no real plan to publicize any of this. But I hope you've found me....and I certainly hope you'll stay tuned for future blogs...and the continuing adventures of The Working Screenwriter.

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