Never give up, never say never...

DARK HAVEN is a screenplay I wrote 20 years ago. Since then it's been optioned a handful of times, edged close to production three times and has sat dormant on the shelf for a number of years. 

But now, finally, contracts have been signed, tweaks to the script executed, and -- I'm quite pleased to say -- filming will commence today (September 16, 2020)!

Will the finished movie be any good? Your guess is as good as mine -- but at least I don't have to think about this one any longer!

But the takeaway here is this...

If you think you have a great script, stick with it. One day it'll pay off.


Check out my new e-book!

And if you like novels about Hollywood and screenwriters, 
you'll want to check out Luigi's Chinese Delicatessen!

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