An Interview...

One of my loyal readers reminded me of an interview I did about six years ago for the Two Adverbs site. I just reread the interview and figured it still had plenty of pertinent information for anyone interested in a screenwriting career. So, for anyone who might have missed it...

Two Adverbs Interview

No Book Adaptation Deal...

It looks like that Frederick Forsyth book adaptation deal isn't going to happen after all. I couldn't come to terms with the producer. Just another case of not nearly enough up front $$.

C'est la vie.

A cool assignment on the horizon?

It looks like I might be penning an adaptation of a Frederick Forsyth short novel. The producer wants me to take the assignment -- and I certainly will, but only if I feel I can do justice to the project. So, in the next couple of weeks I plan to reread the novel (which I read a few months ago) and determine whether or not I can successfully translate Mr. Forsyth's fine story into a marketable screenplay. Stay tuned for further developments!

The return of Justin Samuels! (Well, sort of.)

I’m sure many of you recall the two astonishing interviews I did with Justin a couple of years ago. (If not, go here.) Well, I heard from Justin last week and he asked if he could interview me. Since turnabout is fair play, I naturally agreed. While my interview won’t generate anywhere near the firestorm of controversy that those other interviews generated, I think you’ll find it worthwhile. Feel free to check it out here.