BOOK REVIEW: Constructing a Story by Yves Lavandier

I sat down with Constructing a Story with a bit of trepidation. But days later, when I turned 
that final page and set the book down, my first thought was, “This is one humdinger of a book 
and no self-respecting screenwriter or novelist should fail to keep a copy within arm’s reach of 
their writing desk.” Seriously, this is a good one. Character arcs, inciting incidents, tropes, “Motivations, subgoals…,” The first/second act transition,” “Major dramatic ironies,” 
“Protagonist objective/obstacles,” and so much more…it’s all there. This isn’t a heavy, dryly 
written book that you slog through. No, it’s written in a breezy, conversational style and you’ll 
blaze through its pages. So before you write your next screenplay or novel or short story, 
whatever your level of experience, you’ll want to read Constructing a Story by Yves Lavandier.

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No witches, no warlocks, no vampires. Just a sexy, rollicking story about a guy trying to hit it big in Hollywood.

"A great summer read!"
"A sexy Hollywood tale!"
"It's WHAT MAKES SAMMY RUN for the 21st century!"

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