Here’s a question to ponder: What drives us to create? Is it the allure of FAME? The pursuit of GLORY? The desire for WEALTH? Fame can be elusive—how many screenwriters can we name off the top of our heads? William Goldman, Shane Black… and then? Glory is fleeting—who remembers the latest Oscar winner for Best Screenplay? And wealth? According to the Writers Guild, the average screenwriter’s salary isn’t the stuff of dreams. If you’re seeking fame, glory, or fortune, screenwriting might not be the path for you. For me, it’s the Creative Process—the thrill of nurturing a mere idea into a full-fledged, marketable screenplay. And if that script becomes a film, or brings a touch of recognition and financial reward, that’s just a bonus. The true excitement lies in what happens after your work is released into the world. Once, I had an experience that crystallized why I create. It was a moment that defined the essence of my passion for creation. During a recent phone conversation, a friend and business associate shared her enthusiasm for my latest screenplays. Despite my modesty, she was adamant about their excellence and thoroughly enjoyed them. She’s even working on elevating them to producers. She also brought up a short film I made, which she adored and shared widely. One of her friends, feeling down at the time, found joy and laughter in it, brightening their day. That feedback is incredibly rewarding. It’s affirming to know that a simple creative endeavor, born from a desire for fun and expression, could lift someone’s spirits. That’s the power of creation. This is the essence of why I create. It’s a reminder for all creators—whether you’re writing, filming, painting, or photographing—to recognize the potential impact of your work. It’s a testament to your existence and influence on others. Remember this as you create: your work can touch lives in unexpected, meaningful ways. It’s a declaration that says, “I was here.”
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