Quickie script update…

Last Sunday I started writing a psychological thriller. As of last night I’m on page 13 of a 28-page outline and I’ve completed 43 handwritten pages (legal-size). By the end of today, I’ll have at least five more pages written. My target for the completed script is 95 pages. Based on the knowledge that one of my handwritten pages equals approximately 7/8th of a typed script page, it looks like I’ll come up a tad bit short on that “final” page-count. But I already knew this going in. I also knew that I’d discover additional dialogue and scene embellishments as I worked my way through the script…things I never would have discovered during the outlining phase. It still always thrills me when characters come to life and fully dictate what they do or say in any given scene. They do something or say something…and that sparks an idea, making the scene more interesting, or more vibrant, or perhaps clarifies something elsewhere in the story. All I have to do is write it down!

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